Saturday, March 25, 2006

Little Farmers Cay - Meeting Mr. Right

Well we were glad that our mooring dragged last night so that we were able to get off of it and get ourselves anchored securely. A swift-moving cold front came through today with sustained 35 knot winds, dumping rain by the sheet on us for an hour. It was amazing, one minute we could see this gray mass of clouds moving towards us from the NW, then we were right in it and could barely see the shore due to the rain, and then within the hour it was over and the sun started coming out again. Our trusty anchor held solidly through it all.

The nice thing about the storm passing so quickly was that we were able to go ashore to Farmers Cay Yacht Club for their Friday Night Fish Fry. We had met the new manager, Kelly, earlier in the week. She looked to be in her early 30's and she's taking the place over from her parents who are retiring, and has been working for the past two months to get the place in shape. She was born here but lived in Nassau for a time, getting her degree in Marketing and working as a pharmaceutical rep before deciding to get out of the rat race and go back to Little Farmers for the slower pace. She has a very vibrant personality along with big dreams of expanding the place, and I'm sure success will come.

But back to the fish fry...we thought we would see a lot of other folks (both cruisers and locals) at the Club because dinner was relatively inexpensive ($12) and there were some great drink specials. But only one other guy showed up. Let's call him Mr. Right, since that's how he introduced himself to Kelly. Mr. Right was from New England, about 50 years old, and between jobs, although you could say his permanent occupation was a BS Artist. He was on a boat with two other guys, but they decided to stay on the boat while he dinghied over by himself. We quickly came to understand why. He was already inebriated before he arrived, but he proceeded to drink copious amounts of alcohol and flirt shamelessly with Kelly to the point of harassment. Kevin and I had just planned on showing up, having a drink, eating our dinner, and heading back to the boat, but I felt bad leaving her with only this guy for company. You could tell she didn't want us to leave either since she looked at our empty drinks then asked me pleadingly, "Would you two like another round? It's on the house...". Poor thing. So we decided to stay until the cavalry arrived; a boatload of locals with late reservations finally showed up at about 9:30 and we were free to go.

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