Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Little Farmer's Cay - The Eagle Has Landed

Ugh! Last night neither of us got much sleep in our rolly anchorage at White Point. The waves were relentless, bobbing us up and down constantly. But the rocking wasn't what prevented us from sleeping, it was the incessant sloshing and slapping sounds of the waves hitting the hull. At about midnight I just gave up trying to sleep and read a book instead. So needless to say the first thing on the agenda for this morning was to move someplace else! We motored through the waves down to Farmer's Cay where we picked up a mooring ball ($10/night) and although there is a strong current that spins us back and forth 180 degrees, at least it is relatively flat and quiet. We haven't checked out the town yet, instead we took naps this afternoon since we were exhausted.

But now it is sundown and time for rum drinks. We are trying something new as a mixer -- Tang. Orange and Pineapple flavor. Yeah, I know, but it's not as bad as you'd think. We have looked in several small grocery stores for fruit punch Crystal Light to no avail. However when we saw the Tang we thought we'd give it a shot. If it's good enough for the astronauts it's good enough for us. At the very least we'll get our full dose of Vitamin C and other minerals. What's next? Anyone know a good concoction using Ovaltine?

Where we are:
Lat: N 23 57.936' (woo hoo, crossed another line of latitude!)
Long: W 76 19.118'

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