Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Highborne Cay - shark infested waters

So this morning the wind died down a bit and we were able to move over to the western side of Highborne Cay and dinghy into the marina. We weren't originally planning to stop here, but we did want to pick up our spare pump from Hart's Desire. We got a little soaked on the dinghy ride in, since the current was against the wind and it made for a wet rollercoaster ride. After speaking with the couple from Hart's, it sounds like they have a leak around their driveshaft seal (the driveshaft drives the propeller) which is something that can't be fixed until they haul out, so it looks like their cruise is over and they will have to go back to Nassau. We sure hope they are able to get it fixed in Nassau, since we would not attempt a gulf stream crossing with a problem like that.

After picking up the pump, we explored the marina a bit. For such a remote location, it was pretty new. They had a well-stocked grocery and boating equipment store, a nice book swap, and even a catering service that delivers to your boat! But best of all they had some amazing beachfront right outside the marina, I swear it looked like something out of a Corona commercial -- white sandy beach, hammocks strung between palm trees, wooden rocking chairs on the wraparound porch, the whole nine yards. Just being there was relaxing. Until we ventured out to the fish cleaning station at the end of the dock and happened to look over the side. There were 11 huge nurse sharks swimming around -- and I mean huge -- each was easily as big as Kevin, not including the tail (their tail, not Kevin's). I guess they hang out there waiting for someone to clean a fish and throw the guts over the side. It was amazing -- you could see them so clearly. (We have photos and video that we'll upload to the website next time we have internet access.) We had unknowingly dinghied right past them to get into the marina, but what was so frightening was that we knew we'd have to go right back through them to get out! But they took no notice of us and by the time we got the dinghy over there, they had stopped feeding and had settled back down on the bottom where they typically hang out.

Where we are:
Lat: N 24 42.811'
Long: W 76 49.802'

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