Thursday, March 9, 2006

Chicken Cay & the Rocky Dundas

Today we left Warderick Wells and headed south a few miles to Chicken Cay. The wind was right on our nose and the waves were close together making for a really bumpy ride. Poor Boris (who likes to hide in the forward bunk) was probably airborne several times as the bow pitched up and down. But now we are nestled in this little cove off a tiny private island (Chicken Cay). The snorkeling around here is supposed to be fantastic, Kevin already explored some of the reefs inside this cove and tomorrow we will dinghy over to these two islands called the Rocky Dundas which have some partially submerged caves to explore.

Tonight is spaghetti night, we always do spaghetti and our version of "must see TV"--season 3 of "Seinfeld" and season 2 of "News Radio". We brought a few TV shows with us and set up a schedule. "Desperate Housewives" on Tuesday nights, "Nip/Tuck" on Saturday, "Father Ted" & "The Simpsons" on Sunday. It helps us to keep track of what day it is. Which I need, especially since my watch got destroyed. I had the best watch that told time, date, tides, lunar cycle, you name it. It was also waterproof. When I was in Phoenix I made the mistake of going to Al Zuni (in the AZ Mills mall) to change the watch battery. I should've gone to the Watch Station or somewhere that specializes in watches made in this century. But the Watch Station watch battery guy wasn't in yet and I would've had to wait 3 hours so instead I took it to this ancient man in a jewelry shop. I'm fairly sure he had never seen this type of watch because he spent an hour taking it apart and replacing the battery (no exaggeration -- an hour). Anyway, when I got it back I should've known it wouldn't be waterproof, but I forgot and stupidly jumped in the water last week with it on. It was completely waterlogged and even though Kevin took it apart and we dried every piece, it was definitely dead. So now I am a little disoriented because I don't know the date, the time, or the day of the week (let alone the lunar cycle). Good thing we're in the Bahamas, where time is relative and there really isn't a set schedule.

Where we are:
Lat: N 24 16.415'
Long: W 76 32.311'

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