Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Ten Bay, Eleuthera Island

It was a colossal fight. But finally the fish gave in, exhausted, and Kevin hauled in a huge trophy-sized mahi-mahi. Naw, I'm just funnin' with ya. He caught yet another barracuda. But this one was the biggest so far (over 3 feet) and it did put up a doozy of a fight. But in the end we threw him back. You are probably wondering why we keep throwing back barracuda. It is possible to eat them, but as they get older and bigger they can harbor ciguatera toxin which causes at best: nausea, vomiting and vertigo, and at worst: paralysis and death. Nasty stuff. So we just throw 'em back and hope to catch something yummier, non-toxic, and with not-so-scary teeth.

We have anchored off of a lovely beach, with lots of palm trees and a plantation-style house hidden back behind the vegetation. It is very picturesque, and we have the whole bay all to ourselves. We quickly discovered why there aren't any other boats here, though. The charts say that the holding is poor, and we found that out firsthand when we tried to set our anchor. The bottom here is a very thin layer of sand over rock and our anchor just would not dig in the first four times we tried. We could practically hear it scrape along the hard bottom every time. It took us over an hour but we finally found a nice patch of sand up near the beach and the anchor held even when we backed down on it with both engines. Kevin also snorkeled over to have a look and it is well-set so we won't be going anywhere tonight. And even if we do, the anchor alarm will let us know. Good ol' trusty anchor alarm.

Where we are:
Lat: N 25 07.149'
Long: W 76 09.186'

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