Tuesday, April 4, 2006

George Town - Cruisers Net

So our second day in Georgetown and we didn't leave the boat. (Also I discovered that "Georgetown" is actually two words.) Our outboard propeller is busted, and our dinghy is now a dink. You can put the outboard in gear but the propeller starts to slip when you rev it up. So it'll go, just not very fast. Kevin spent the afternoon trying to fix it, but it requires some parts that we don't have on the boat so we'll limp into town tomorrow and see if we can get what we need.

We are finding out that the cruising community here in George Town is very active. In the mornings they actually have a radio "show" called "Cruisers Net" on the VHF where a moderator allows the boats to make announcements for things like bridge games, taxi share, advertisements from local businesses, etc. It's a way for cruisers to "ask around" without having to go in the dinghy from boat to boat. Some of the announcements are important info about weather and local rules/regulations, while others are a little more frivolous in nature. This morning they had: a lady looking for a recipe for peanut butter cookies, a guy looking for his lost bathing suit (which according to him held "sentimental value for reasons I won't go into"), and a guy announcing that they'll host "How to Play Bridge" on volleyball beach this afternoon. Plus a few of the local businesses got on including Eddie's Edgewater Cafe, and the local lady doing the announcement actually sang her own jingle at the end (kind of like those old-timey radio jingles). We both cracked up at that one, but it's nice to know that you can pretty much ask any question on the Net and some helpful cruiser will try to answer it.

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