Saturday, April 1, 2006

Lee Stocking Island - Amanda Scissorhands

We woke up again this morning before dawn, just to see if we could sneak out into the Sound, but the wind was much stronger than we wanted it to be. The weather report says it should let up a little Sunday-Tuesday, but of course now that I've typed those words I may have jinxed it. Time will tell. In the meantime, boredom has officially set in. I spent the morning making up two batches of pizza dough so that we can find a use for all the mozzarella. (Funny that I used to have Papa John's on speed dial, my culinary skills have improved considerably). Kevin puttered around a bit, doing a much-needed re-organization of his toolboxes. I was glad, since it seemed like every time I ran to get him a tool I had to dig and always managed to grab a hacksaw by the wrong end. Later we watched a small tanker come through the anchorage just a few feet behind our boat. Our mouths were agape because the charted depths here are only 5-6 feet or so at low water. But he came right on through and docked at the research park for a while before continuing on.

And then one of us (okay, me) got a crazy idea. We knew it would have to happen sooner or later, but it was high time Kevin got a haircut. I'll admit it, we were unprepared. We have only two pairs of scissors on the boat -- kitchen and all-purpose. Both pairs have seen better days. The kitchen pair only cuts with the very tips of the pointy ends while the all-purpose is dull except at the hinge right near the handles. Neither pair should ever be used for personal grooming, but Kevin is a trusting soul. I had hopes of snip-snipping the tips of the hair just like the pros do, but after the first few snips of the bangs I was cackling uncontrollably since the scissors would not cut unless I held the hair taut and hacked away! I had visions of sitting across the dinner table from Dumb and Dumber (remember Jim Carrey's haircut?) for the next month or so. And I can only imagine the thoughts running through poor Kevin's head. But my laughter subsided and I was able to press on, with Kevin encouraging me to "just do your best" every time I said "oops". In the end it didn't turn out too bad, it's not Super Cuts quality but it will do for now and anyway Kevin usually wears a baseball cap. We had the foresight to take before and after shots which we'll post once we get to Georgetown. So, you ask: will I be letting Kevin have a turn with the scissors anytime soon? Not on your life, that's what ponytail holders are made for.

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