Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Waiting Out the Weather

Well it's been about a week and the weather has been pretty unsettled, so we've chosen to stay put at Ocean World Marina. It's been nice having air conditioning, reliable internet, and unlimited freshwater (well, it's 25 cents a gallon so we are still conserving!). The ocean park next door has all kinds of exhibits and shows -- dolphins, sea lions, even tigers -- but we probably won't be buying tickets. We did go over to the lunch restaurant in the park, where for free you can sit outside and eat while watching the sea lion interaction show. Pretty entertaining, but still not enough to tempt us to spend 55 bucks each to get into the park to see the rest of it. Besides, we can see the nightly fireworks pretty clearly just sitting in our cockpit.

Kevin has been working on several boat projects this week, fixing the liner under our anchor chain, repairing the icemaker, repairing some nicks in the bottom paint above the waterline. There are quite a few things still left to do on our list before we consider the boat "ready" for sale. But most of those will have to wait until we get to FL and near a proper chandlery/hardware store.

We've been watching the weather pretty closely and are hoping to make the 200 mile hop to Mayaguana starting Thursday night April 1st. The forecast predicts winds under 20 knots and moderate seas. Hopefully it is correct and not mother nature playing an april fool's joke on us! As an added incentive for us to get home quickly, our mail service has informed me that I am supposed to report to court in Phoenix for jury duty May 3rd.

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