Monday, December 24, 2007

Tobago Cays -- It Pays to Be Nice

Motoring into the anchorage at the Tobago Cays, we could see that the spot we'd taken when we were here six months ago was unoccupied. We were surprised that the anchorage was a lot less crowded than we expected, maybe 20-30 boats here -- about 60% charter boats and the rest cruisers, although most of the cruisers we know are in Bequia, or Clarke's Court (Merry Christmas Chris & Barb!), or in Antigua (Merry Christmas Linda, Steve, Paul & Ginette!). So we dropped our hook next to the same derelict trimaran (that has been there so long it shows up on Google Earth) and let out the chain. We were in maybe 10 feet of water, far enough in front of all the other boats that there was nothing within a 300-foot radius of us. Nice. As we prepared to back down, we saw a man on the bow of the Moorings charter catamaran behind us, scowling. (We assumed he was scowling; he was too far away to tell for sure but his body language spoke volumes.) We have occasionally needed to use the old "stink eye" when someone anchors too close, so we recognized it right away, regardless of the distance. We were totally puzzled as to why he'd be upset; although we were anchoring in front of them we really were a pretty good distance away. But soon he was joined by a woman and they both began to make angry gestures and shout about their anchor. We couldn't hear them since we were upwind of them, so we waved our VHF around and asked them to call us on the radio, which they did. The man was very upset and informed us that we had anchored "right on top of his anchor". Kevin eyeballed the distance between our boats again and calmly noted, "hmmm, we are about 300 feet in front of you; I'd be surprised if your boat has that much rode" (charter boats usually have minimal equipment, including minimal anchor rode). But the guy persisted, saying that it looked more like only 150 feet max and that he'd let out a lot of rode because last time they were here the wind really kicked up. So Kevin generously offered, "Tell you what: I'll jump in with the snorkel and take a look, and if we're on top of it, we'll move." (If you can tell, we've been infected with the Christmas spirit. Actually we are hoping to be on Santa's "nice" list this year.) So we finished backing down, put the bridle on, and Kevin jumped in the water and started swimming towards the other boat.

It was a long way away. By the time Kevin finally got over there, I'd stopped paying attention. Besides I couldn't hear anything anyway. But Kevin found their anchor about 60 feet in front of them (meaning 250 feet behind us). He hovered over it and signaled to the guy that that was the location of the anchor. Poor guy was incredibly embarrassed and apologized profusely. Kevin very kindly reassured him that sometimes it's hard to gauge distance when there's nothing between you but water. (Are you getting all this, Santa?) Turns out Ron and his wife are from Connecticut and here on charter for Christmas. They chatted for a while and then Kevin swam back and said how sorry the guy was. It was an honest mistake if you are not used to anchoring (and being anchored in front of) every day. Anyway the couple felt so bad that later in the afternoon they dinghied by with Christmas presents: some snacks and bottles of juice from their provisions. Pretty nice! (Thanks, karmic Santa!)

So despite it being 82 degrees and sunny, we are trying to make the most of Christmas. Last night we watched the "Rudolph" tv special (My favorite line: "Eat, Papa, eat!") and played Christmas music while I baked some oatmeal cranberry chocolate chip cookies. "Eat, Kevin, eat!"

Where we are:
Location=Tobago Cays, SVG
Lat=12 37.771
Lon=61 21.362

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