Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Prickly Bay, Grenada - We're outta here

[Kevin's Post]Before we leave Grenada we thought we'd squeeze in one more haulout (that's #6 for those of you keeping track). And let's replace all the rigging too. Actually neither of these were by choice. Our insurance company informed us when we renewed that we needed to have an out of water survey before 2/28/08 (the 3rd anniversary of our last survey). I knew they required a survey less than 3 years old to renew, but I figured since ours was less than 3 years old at renewal time we were good until the next renewal. I was wrong. oops. Sure would have been nice to take care of this a couple months ago while we were out of the water for 3 weeks. I had a surveyor come out last week and begin the survey, tomorrow we haul (at the other Grenada boatyard - take that Grenada Marine!) so he can inspect the bottom. He said our rigging was too old (the wires that hold up the mast) and that he couldn't sign off on it. So he suggested I have an independent rigging inspection. I had some rigging guys come out and the rigging guys agreed with the surveyor that it should all be replaced. Oh good, everyone agrees I should spend more money. Replacing the rigging on a boat is one of the most expensive things you can do short of replacing an engine, but fortunately it is a heck of a lot cheaper to do down here than in the US. So when I got the estimate, my only question was "How fast can you do it". We moved the boat from the marina to Prickly Bay this morning so we could anchor right off the rigging shop and Wayne the rigger has already been up the mast 5 times today (more times than I have in the past 3 years). Replacing the rigging while in the water is an exciting process. Basically they remove one shroud at a time supporting the mast with halyards. Then the riggers dinghy the wire back to the shop to reproduce it. They bring the new one to the boat and install it. They've already replaced the headstay and shrouds (3 of the 5 wires), tomorrow they will replace the diamond (the other 2) and then it's done and we can get outta here. The cost of 5 wires: $2850.

Where we are:
Location=Prickly Bay, Grenada
Lat=12 00.035
Lon=61 45.837

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