Monday, June 11, 2007

Union Island, SVG

Petit Tabac in the Tobago Cays

Amanda with a starfish

[Kevin's Post]We left the beautiful Tobago Cays this morning after 3 nights and headed a few miles south to Union Island. The Tobago Cays are supposed to the be most popular anchorage in the Caribbean because of the beautiful water and the great snorkeling. Ironically, it looks just like the Bahamas which we left 1000 miles ago. One of the islands here was featured (pictured) in the first Pirates of the Caribbean film where Jack Sparrow was stranded after walking the plank. The whole Tobago Cays ares is a marine park and they charge $10 EC per person per day in order to keep people from staying forever.

Hurricane season officially started about 2 weeks ago, and we are just barely south of the line where our insurance requires us to be -- 12 degrees 40 minutes. We are seeing tropical waves every few days and it rains pretty much every day on us, but only for 5 minutes at a time. So every few hours we have to run around closing all the hatches and ports only to have the sun come out a few minutes later. We have ordered some parts for the wind generator that are being shipped here to Union Island as is our mail. So we'll probably be in the area for at least a week.

Where we are:
Location=Union Island, SVG
Lat=12 35.780
Lon=61 24.831

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