Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tyrrel Bay, Carriacou

[Kevin's Post]Well, we're still hanging out in Carriacou trying to kill time until our dockage in Grenada starts July 15. We've got about 3 weeks left and only 30 miles to go, so we can afford to just be lazy. The anchorage here has free wifi so that is an added draw. We've been having a great time catching up with all the friends we made in Luperon and elsewhere along the trip. Last night Chuck and Barb on Tusen Takk II threw a big party on their gorgeous Kadey-Krogen 48. There aren't too many cruising boats out there that can accomodate 20+ guests. But theirs can. Comfortably. Very comfortably. Everyone brought delicious hors d'œuvres, and there was quite a spread. Amanda improvised some bean burrito bites using some tortillas we picked up and they turned out quite good. The rum flowed freely last night, a little too freely, and we were both feeling it this morning.

Since we've had a bit of time on our hands, and not a whole lot to do I've been making a few improvements to the blog which you have probably noticed. The filmstrip on the right shows thumbnails of the 50 most recently uploaded photos. Some of these never appeared in the blog, so keep an eye on those. I'm in the process of converting all our videos to YouTube, and eventually they will all appear in the widget on the left. Probably the coolest thing though is the yellow track which now appears on the Google Maps inlay. This shows our route through the islands since January. The track is a pretty accurate representation of the boat's path, it is not just straight lines between the anchorages. So zoom way in and check it out.

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