Monday, June 12, 2006

Pungo River, NC

We spent most of this morning making arrangements for the haulout next Tuesday. Darlene sent me an email asking if we were going to come home during the haulout like I did last December. Sorry, no -- we are only planning on being out of the water one or two days to fix the saildrive seals and to put on some new sacrificial zinc anodes. Can't remember if I've explained this before but anodes are little bits of zinc that are put on important metal parts that come into contact with water so that the zincs corrode instead of say, your propeller or your engine (it has to do with the metal's nobility and zinc is like the least noble one. Or the most noble one. Or something. I was a poli sci major, not a materials engineer). Anyway, we have to special-order our zincs from England because our propellers have these custom cutters on them; in case you run over fishing line or a crab trap, the cutter will cut through the line instead of letting it wrap around your prop. The brand name of the cutter is the "Stripper", which makes me laugh. We had to call the guy in England to order them and he sounded like the guy from "The Streets" when he said "strippah". (Man, we hate "The Streets". What a no-talent band. Our satellite radio seems to play them incessantly, much to our irritation.) So we are planning to be at the boatyard in Hayes, VA by Monday. Hayes is right near Colonial Williamsburg, I'm trying to convince Kevin that it might be fun to go there or to Busch Gardens. But he seems to think that our time will be better spent actually doing work on the boat. Oh, alright.

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