Saturday, June 10, 2006

Cedar Creek, NC

Today we saw some of the nastiest waves we've seen in a long time. We were entering Beaufort (boh-furt) Inlet and huge waves were coming at us from the left and right. Of course these weren't wind-generated waves, but the waves caused by the wakes of the huge sportfishers coming in the inlet. Prior to arriving at the inlet, we'd had a pretty calm day of motorsailing. The wakes in the channel weren't too bad, it was a pretty wide channel and we managed to get through it without getting rocked too hard. Funny thing is that about a half-mile in there is a no-wake zone and it was pretty ridiculous to see this big sportfishers racing in at 15 knots only to get to the no-wake zone and come to a screeching halt. Like those drivers who race to be the first one at the stoplight.

We anchored in a small creek off the ICW right near a very obvious shipwreck. There is a large wooden mast sticking up out of the water and it looks to be a fairly recent wreck. At night, you can still see its anchor light glowing on top of the mast; I wonder how that's possible since the rest of the boat including batteries are below the surface. Not sure why it sank, but we can definitely say that the holding here isn't great. It took several tries in different places for us to set our anchor, and in the middle of the night the wind kicked up and when we came out in the cockpit to check on things, we noticed that another boat had dragged all the way across the creek and run aground. They weren't hard aground and seemed to have no trouble getting off and re-anchoring. We're just glad it wasn't us.

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