Sunday, March 2, 2008

Grand Anse D'Arlet - There's a the where?

File this one under "O" for "Only On A Boat". I was sweeping the floor in the bathroom when I happened to glance over in the bowl of the toilet. I noticed an odd-shaped object in the water. (Refrain from juvenile jokes, please.) Remember that we have salt-water-flush toilets, which means that the water in the bowl is coming directly from the ocean. It's not unusual to have little bits of sea grass or the occasional brine shrimp come through the water intake. Now I know this is gross, but being curious I bent down to take a closer look at whatever it was. (Stop with the jokes.) I couldn't figure out what I was looking at, so I used the button to add a little water to the bowl and...the odd-shaped thing moved! First one leg twitched, then a second leg and I realized I was looking at a thumbnail-sized octopus! I stared for a second and then went running up the stairs to find Kevin, who was outside trying to bend back the metal piece for our broken bowroller. "You are NOT going to believe what I just saw!" I led him downstairs to the toilet, and of course we must have made too much noise or vibration coming into the bathroom because I watched as the octopus quickly jetted down the hole and out of sight, right before Kevin could see it. I'm sure Kevin was thinking something along the lines of, "Look I've got a broken boat here and apparently now my wife has gone off the deep end." But it was there, I swear! It's got to still be down there somewhere, so maybe if I'm patient enough the little guy will come back up to the surface for a look around. So, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom, staring at the toilet.

***12 Hours Later***
So no, I haven't been staring at the toilet all day. We left the thing alone, hoping it would find its own way out of its predicament. But just now, Kevin went down there and tried to figure out if the thing was still in there and sure enough it was. And with his own eyes he saw it crawling around down into the hole. No joke. So I am truly not making this up; there is another witness. Kevin is not completely convinced it's an actual octopus, but I still think it's something with eyes and a bunch of legs so if it's not an octopus it might be a squid. We aren't really sure what to do. We didn't want to flush it down the toilet because it has a three-blade macerator (like a garbage disposal) that will surely kill it, and to be honest I kind of feel sorry for it. I mean, the little guy is obviously having a really, really bad day. Kevin tried to fish it out with a disposable plastic spoon but it got scared and crawled further down. Yeah, I know "Ick" but what else are we supposed to do? This whole thing is too weird. I think Kevin has given up for tonight so we'll just see what happens in the morning.

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