Sunday, October 7, 2007

Grenada -- Lazy Sunday

So it's Sunday afternoon and we are still in the boatyard. I wish I could say that the end is in sight (we were supposed to be finished with everything two days ago), but unfortunately our saildrive parts are STILL tied up in customs and the bootstripe is still not 100% completed due to all kinds of issues. Our painter, Steve, had started on it earlier in the week but the water hose incident (from Kevin's post) caused a big delay. Then, when he fixed that part and finally got around to painting the rest of the starboard hull on Friday, something went wrong with the paint machine spray nozzle and he had to re-do that part. Each time he has to re-do something, it takes a day for the paint to dry, be sanded down, and re-sprayed so it can get very frustrating. On Saturday, Steve sanded and re-sprayed the starboard hull and a few hours after he left it rained pretty hard making all kinds of water drip marks in the paint. Sunday is their one day off for most of the yard workers, so it definitely isn't going to get fixed today. And although Steve is a good guy and a good worker, he's the one who parties too hard and usually doesn't come in Mondays. *Sigh*.

Meanwhile, Kevin has come down with some tropical disease (kidding, it's just a sore throat/cold) and has been pretty miserable the past few days. He is up all night coughing and sneezing and I think between the stress of the haulout and the cold he is just getting worn down. Poor guy. Of course as of this morning I have it too. It's pretty much a given that if one of us gets sick, the other catches it also. So we both get to share in the misery. Yay.

Of course all of this would be a cakewalk if we were still in the hotel (ah, the beautiful, beautiful hotel, with it's A/C, satellite TV, and enormously decadent shower!). But I made the reservation according to the haulout schedule (it was a mistake to be so optimistic!) so we checked out Friday morning and have been living on the dry boat since then. It's kind of like camping -- we can't use the boat toilets or showers (everything would go out the thru hull and onto the ground below -- ick!) so we use the showers and restrooms at the boatyard. Which is fine during the day but kind of sucks at night having to climb up and down a ladder and find our way around the yard using a flashlight to avoid the mud puddles and the toads. That's right -- big old toads come out at night after it rains. Also it's pretty much too hot in the boat kitchen to cook anything with the oven or stove, so hooray for sandwiches -- we'll be eating a lot of those! We still have the air conditioner we rented to keep the boat cool for the cat, and thank goodness for it. It doesn't cool the whole boat, but it does keep one cabin cool so that is where we are right now. We've got the computer, wifi antenna, and several books down here and basically haven't moved much all day.

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