Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Grenada - Kevin Sings


Stop worrying, everyone. We did not fall off the face of the earth or fall victim to a freak accident. Anyone who skims the blogs from last summer will realize that when we are sitting at a marina doing nothing, the well runs dry and I run out of ideas for blog posts. We keep doing the same things that I blogged about previously (karaoke on Saturdays, Hash every once in a while, watch the grass grow, watch the cows and sheep and other livestock mow the grass, etc). We are not bored per se (Kevin has been waxing the boat a few feet at a time -- a daunting and energy-sapping task -- it is really shiny and pretty now); it's just that I haven't written much because I felt it might be bor-ing to those of you who have to read it. But our inbox is getting full of requests for a post, so here it is. I can't guarantee a scintillating read, though.

Saturday was another Hash day; this one started and ended at Cabier Ocean Lodge on the east side of the island. It was farther away than we expected, and we had to take a taxi (expensive!), but it was the most scenic hike we've done by far. We walked along a beach for part of it, and then the trail wound its way up to a cliff which had pretty spectacular views of two bays. Gingerly stepping around large piles of cow dung (lots of cows -- Moo!), we followed the rest of the group and ended the evening drinking beers on the beach and munching on some tasty fish nuggets. We were back at the marina in time for the karaoke, and Kevin managed to stick it out until 9pm. He usually takes off around 8 or so. One moment he's there the next minute "Poof. Just like that -- he's gone" (picture Kevin Spacey describing the disappearing act of Kaiser Soze in The Usual Suspects). Although I can't understand why he wouldn't want to stay to the end, the very end, of the singing. Keep this on the down low but he did actually pick up the mike and sing, just once, a few weeks ago. Somewhere in there is his inner Justin Timberlake just waiting to bring the sexy back and bust out in song. I have no doubt that Kevin will deny, deny, deny that this ever happened but lest you doubt me one of our friends recorded it for all posterity in a photo.

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