Well we've been anchored here in Leverick Bay for a few days and we've been doing...well...a whole lot of nothing, actually. We went ashore yesterday to check out the resort - they have a small but pricey grocery (2 peppers + 4 tomatoes = $12.50) and an even pricier restaurant (entrees start at $35 -- guess we'll be eating on the boat!). But it is a pretty spot and it is great to have some anchoring room a fair distance away from the moorings and any other boats. Yesterday we jumped in and scrubbed the hull, it had been a few weeks and more new and mysterious creatures were trying to make their home on our boat. We've also been using the fantastic internet connection to catch up on news and stuff we've been missing out on (including watching the Chad Vader shorts on youtube.com as well as the trailer for the next Pirates of the Caribbean Movie. The internet is a wonderful thing.)
Mostly we are just hanging out until the weekend, when we plan to make the 80 mile trip to St. Martin. We are especially anxious to get there since we have recently discovered that the oil reservoir for our diesel generator has nearly rusted through and has started leaking. We ran the genset for a half hour today just to see how bad it was and half of the oil leaked out creating a huge mess! We're hoping to be able to get it fixed while we're in St. Martin, although it's going to be a tough job -- the oil pan is bolted underneath the diesel engine and the only way to get at it is to haul the 117-lb engine up out of the forward compartment through a 2ft by 2ft hatch in the ceiling. Kevin is looking forward to it.
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