Monday, August 7, 2006

Solomons Island, MD - Sammy the Sailor

This morning my friend Darlene said, "Write a post already." I know, I know -- the posts are few and far between, but honestly some days nothing exciting happens. So if you want to see entries like, "Hot outside. Watched TV." then that's what you'll get. CBS comes in really well on our rabbit ears and we are hooked on the American Idol rip-off "Rock Star: Supernova". Exciting, huh? See, Dar, I told you -- be careful what you wish for.

However, this was a pretty eventful week for us. First we ran into our old friends on Paragon (who we met down in the Bahamas and seem to run into fairly often). During the two weeks we've been here at the dock, they passed through Solomons, raced up to New York City, toured around there for a week, and got back again. Meanwhile, what did we do? (See the above paragraph...) Anyway, we had a nice dinner with them before they had to take off and continue down to Virginia.

The highlight of the week was seeing our friends Carrie and Dan and their new baby, little four-month-old Sammy. It was the first chance I'd had to see little Sam and he is adorable! Of course, we had to take the requisite "sailor hat" photo. The five of us went down to the boardwalk area to have lunch and walk around a little bit. I loved getting the chance to hold the little guy and seeing him smile his little toothless grin. I think Kevin was a little worried there that I might start campaigning for a munchkin of our own but rest assured I can't imagine having a baby on board a boat. It was great to have a chance to see them and the baby, thanks so much to Carrie and Dan for making the four hour round-trip.

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