Friday, July 14, 2006

Annapolis, MD - Still in Annapolis

[Kevin's Post]
We've had a nice visit with Jessica over the past few days, she left this morning at 4 AM to get to the airport for a 6:50 flight to Chicago. On Tuesday we went on a pub crawl hitting some of the local bars and taverns. Wednesday and Thursday we did as much sightseeing as we could handle between the the intolerable heat and the downpours. Yeah, we know, it's hot in Phoenix too, so no sympathy from you. We are kind of kicking ourselves for not going farther north earlier. Every time we check the weather, we see the temps in Newport are about 10 degrees cooler. But July is supposed to be the hottest month and at least its half over. Anyway, enough complaining about the heat. We still really like Annapolis. While Jess was here we hit some of our favorite eateries (Middleton tavern and Mangia) and tried a few new ones (Chick & Ruth's Deli, Acme, and Ram's Head tavern), and even grilled on the boat one night. We especially liked Chick & Ruth's Deli which has a huge menu, cheap eats, and unbelievably cheap beer. I'm sure we'll be going back there. The weather was not great, so we didn't get any sailing in on this trip. We just stayed on a mooring in Annapolis harbor the whole time. But that's ok, Jess promised to visit us again next spring sometime when we are in the Caribbean. There will be plenty of sailing next time.

After Jess left we did 5 loads of laundry in town, then left Annapolis harbor to anchor out across the Severn river in Whitehall Bay. Annapolis is insane on the weekends with tons of boat traffic and it is much quieter here. We had to order some parts for the outboard which won't come until early next week so we didn't want to go far. The outboard has been overheating recently if we run it for more than a few minutes, so I ordered a water pump service kit which will hopefully solve the problem. Another great thing about Annapolis is that you can get any boat part or boat service you could possibly need from somebody within walking distance. It's a great place to get stuff fixed. After we get the outboard taken care of we plan to head over to the eastern shore of the Chesapeake and then up to Baltimore.

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