Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Nassau - Odds & Ends

Well we didn't make it to the Distillery. The phone number we had for the Bacardi tour was no longer in service and we weren't feeling too touristy today so instead we had a late lunch at the restaurant here at the marina (enchantingly named "The Poop Deck"). Afterwards we bought wetsuits at the dive shop, picked up a few more boat supplies, and hit Radio Shack one more time. It has been nice to have all the conveniences (stores, restaurants, touristy stuff) but Nassau also has the same drawbacks of any big city -- crowded, traffic, etc.

While we were out and about yesterday we smelled a heavenly baking aroma and wandered into a bakery specializing in rum cake. It was so tempting that we tried a sample and bought one. For anyone who's never had it, it is basically a bundt cake soaked in rum. Kevin loves it, but tonight as I started eating a slice I realized that I like the cake part but the rum taste is a little too strong. Kevin said "you're saying you like rum cake so long as it isn't marinated in rum. So really you just like cake." He's right. I am going on the record here. I like cake. I like rum. But I do not like rum cake.

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