So a lot has happened since I last sent out photos. We've had several visitors, and sailed around most of Narragansett Bay.
First Sheelagh and Kathy came to stay with us. It was great to hear all about their around-the-world travels. Plus they were fantastic at the boardgame Taboo! Then Desiree brought lobster and steamers and we had a nice weekend hanging out in an anchorage called Potter Cove. And last weekend Jamie came out and we braved the pea soup fog to get to Block Island. We had Bahama Mamas on the beach and took a taxi tour (right past Christopher Walken's house).
It's been nice having so many people come out to the boat -- in between guests, we have been honing our sailing skills, Kevin has been working on our backlog of maintenance tasks, and I've been learning to cook. Even Boris is enjoying life on the boat (when it's not in motion, of course).